Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Saccharides are organic molecules consisting of C, H and O atoms. Usually the empirical formula is Cn H2n On. Are divided into three groups: Monosaccharides, Oligosaccharides, Polysaccharides.

1- Identify different sugars from its properties.
2- Differentiate mono and disaccharides.
3- Understand the relation between structure and some proporties.

In the first part of the experiment we are going to test some physical properties of the saccharides you have in the lab: flavour, crystal structure and colour.
-FLAVOUR: put small amount of each saccharide in your hand and taste it, Is it sweet or not sweet?
-CRYSTALS: Observe a small amount of each saccharide on a clock glass under magnification.
-COLOUR: white, transparent or creamy.

- Clean and dry 5 test tubes and label them: G, M, L, SU, S
-Put 5mL of water in each test tube.
-With the aid of a spatula, put a small amount of each saccharide inside the labelled test tube and test if they are soluble or insoluble.
- Observe is each saccharide forms a mixture called dissolution or a colloidal suspension.
- Finally, add 2 drops of Lugol's iodine to each test tube and test if the reaction is positive or negative. Lugol's is a solution of elemental iodine (I) and potassium iodine (KI) in water that is ise to test a saccharide. The reaction is positive when iodine reacts by turning from yellow to a purple, dark-blue/black colour.

Results: We can see the different test tubes we put lugol's iodine , and one is in different colour, is the  the starch (positive).

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